Bikeleasing-calculator for civil servants – your company bike, your benefit.

Save yourself the trouble of time-consuming traffic jams, nerve-racking searches for parking space or the high cost of purchasing the bike of your dreams. Our Bikeleasing calculator enables you to compute your personal cost benefit when leasing a company bike.

Simply enter the price of your dream bike and your income etc. to find out how much you can save.

Please note that the computed amounts are merely non-binding calculation examples. For a binding calculation, contact your tax advisor.

If you, as an employee, purchase the bike at the end of the 36 month lease term, the takeover price will be 18% of the RRP.

The data you enter will not be stored or used for other purposes.

Become a company bike user now:

Your employer already is a Bikeleasing customer?
Your employer is not yet familiar with Bikeleasing-Service?

Here you will be provided with all the information you need to convince your employer

Enter your personal e-mail address and then forward the information to the right person in your company, e.g. management or HR.

Company bike benefits – this is where you find your dream bike

More than 6,700 bicycle and e-bike dealers in Germany already work with us.


Our local Bikeleasing partner dealers offer you as a Bikeleasing user personal advice, reliable service on site - and of course lots of dream bikes. You can also order your Bikeleasing service bike from selected online retailers*.

Do you still have questions?

Hotline Mo-Fr 9am-5pm +49 55 71 / 30 26 - 0

Write to us!

* Prerequisite: consent of the employer in the service contract.