Woman with bike in front of flower store
Woman with bike in front of flower store

Bikeleasing sustainability concept

Ecological. Economical. Social.

Our holistic sustainability concept is at the heart of everything we do as a service provider and employer.

Sustainable in every way

Our sustainability concept

For us as a company bike provider, promoting and enabling sustainable mobility is at the heart of our business. In addition, the concept of ecological, economic and social sustainability pervades all areas of our company.

We are aware that comprehensive sustainability is a continuous process and a long journey. We have already taken the first major steps on this path. More will follow.

Ecological sustainability

Contributions to environmental protection

We see the conservative use of resources, the use of renewable energies and the avoidance of unnecessary waste as key contributions to environmental protection and ecological sustainability.

  • - A new building designed from the ground up for sustainability with innovative energy management, showcasing our overall sustainability concept (constructed with the use of renewable raw materials, flexible room design facilitating subsequent use).
  • - At our Uslar site, we use only self-generated solar power and 100% green electricity.
  • - At our environmentally aware cafeteria, we prepare mainly regional foods and, thanks to pre-ordering via an app, hardly anything is thrown away.
  • - To reduce CO2 emissions, we increasingly rely on e-mobility for our company fleet and we make our e-charging stations available to our employees.
  • - Short distances: Regional food and partnerships with local dealers help us prevent long supply chains and reduce environmental impact.
  • - We use cloud computing as an efficient IT infrastructure to further reduce our CO2 footprint in this area
  • - Biodiversity: We buy the coffee for customer gifts from a regional coffee roasting company named Harzer Röstkaffee. For each pack of coffee or expresso bought, this company makes a donation to the Harz Lynx Project of the Harz National Park.

Social sustainability

Responsibility for our employees

We believe that social sustainability means taking responsibility for our employees and providing working conditions that suit the people whose commitment is key to our success.

  • - Fairness includes permanent employment contracts with fair pay, equal rights, diversity and equal opportunities.
  • - Work-life balance: We support our employees in striking the right balance between work and private life through flexible working hours, part-time work and the option of working from home by arrangement.
  • - We offer our employees long-term prospects and the opportunity to develop their potential.
  • - Promoting health starts with company bike leasing for our employees and extends way beyond regular sports activities.

Economic sustainability

A company that acts sustainably

As a company that acts sustainably, we see it as our responsibility to pursue our corporate goals without losing sight of social concerns and without endangering the livelihood of future generations.

  • - We focus on transparency, business continuity, stability and healthy growth in order to be a reliable partner for our employees, customers and partners – today and in the long run.
  • - With efficient processes that we continuously optimize, we ensure that we can consistently operate sustainably and secure our long-term success in the marketplace.
  • - We strengthen local economic structures by focusing on brick-and-mortar retailer, thus promoting local and regional value creation.

Certificates and accolades

Corporate climate protection network

We are part of the corporate climate protection network and are working together with other companies towards climate protection. We don't just want to promote sustainable mobility, we want to take action ourselves. Therefore, by participating, we commit ourselves to implementing climate protection within the company and pursuing savings targets. 

Bicycle-friendly employer in gold

We are proud to have been awarded the prestigious Gold Bicycle Friendly Employer certificate. With our Bikeleasing-Service, we actively promote a healthy and sustainable lifestyle for our employees. By consistently promoting bicycle mobility, we help to reduce our environmental impact and promote the health of our team.

Climate friendly company

We have a clear goal: we want to become a climate-friendly company. Every year, GfRS, Gesellschaft für Ressourcenschutz mbH, certifies our CO2 emissions and right° checks whether our emissions budget complies with the Paris Climate Agreement. This not only shows that we act transparently and aim to reduce our CO2 emissions to below 1.5°C in line with the climate agreement, but also that we want to make verified statements. We are proud to be a company that is not only economically successful, but also actively contributes to protecting our planet.

Finalist for the German Sustainability Award

Pioneer of transformation

We are delighted to have been nominated as a finalist for the German Sustainability Award 2024 in the Green Leasing category. This nomination recognises our ongoing commitment to sustainable mobility and climate protection and motivates us to further intensify our measures. We would like to thank our partners and the entire team and look forward to driving forward our vision of a sustainable future together. 

Bikeleasing company bikes – your contribution to sustainability

Every kilometer counts

Make the switch and help protect the climate:
Switching from a car to a company bike is healthier for you and better for the environment.

A journey of just 10 kilometers saves the climate around 2 kg of CO2 if you kick the pedals of a conventional bicycle or e-bike instead of the accelerator pedal of a combustion engine car.

Your contact person for sustainability issues


Personal contact: Jessica Baldreich

Sustainability manager

E-Mail: baldreich@bikeleasing.at

Phone: +43 512 / 219 32 - 138

Hotline Mo-Fr 9am-5pm +49 55 71 / 30 26 - 0

I look forward to hearing from you.