Winter-proof your bike in 5 steps with Bikeleasing

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Winter is just around the corner. It’s high time to make your beloved bike fit for the specific challenges of the cold season. With these 5 tips, you and your bike will get through salt, moisture, ice and snow safely and unscathed.

  1. Keep it neat and clean
    Clean your bike thoroughly to prevent salt and dirt from sticking to or depositing on your bike. The best way to do this is by using a mild bicycle cleaner, which can simply be rinsed off after a short time. An old toothbrush will help you reach into tricky nooks corners, such as along the chain drive.



Now your bike is ready for cycling in the cold season. However, you should check regularly whether specific maintenance steps are necessary or if any wearing parts need to be replaced. Depending on how often you move your bike in the winter, you may need to give it some extra attention. By the way, a Bikeleasing blog post provides a few useful tips on how to dress for the cold season.


Chain lubrication
Which chain oil is best for your bike? That’s almost a question of faith among bikers. In wintry temperatures, however, synthetic lubricants are particularly suitable for ensuring resilience to wetness and cold. Synthetic lubricants distribute and adhere well on and between the chain links. When oiling the chain, do not operate the crank too quickly; otherwise, oil may spill onto the brake system. Finally, wipe off any excess oil with a cloth – and you’re done!


Maintenance check
In winter, many components of your bike are exposed to increased stress. That’s why this is the right time to check all wearing parts and replace them if necessary. Do the spokes have enough tension, do the bearings run smoothly, are the chain, chainwheels and sprockets in good condition or do any parts of the brake system need to be replaced?

Lubricants and oil
To protect moving parts from moisture and road salt, open bearings on the hub, bottom bracket and headset must be lubricated regularly. If applicable, let the suspension fork, lowerable seat post and rear shock(s) briefly submerge after you have put a little of the oil recommended by the manufacturer on the previously cleaned seals. On bikes with closed bearings, a little oil won't hurt either, as it also protects the seals from salt and moisture.

Cables, drive, gearshift
After you have cleaned the drive and gearshift components, be sure to oil them adequately. Externally routed cables can simply be wiped with an oily cloth to protect them from moisture. Internally routed cables are protected by design and, therefore, do not require any special maintenance. Finally, apply a little oil to all moving parts and joints on the front derailleur and rear derailleur for use in winter.

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