Bike leasing for the self-employed: company bike facts

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What about your new year resolutions? Get off to an active start with bike leasing! We provide the facts about service bike leasing, this time specifically for the self-employed.

When it comes to company bike leasing, self-employed people should take a number of specific facts into consideration. These facts make the Bikeleasing-Service offering and the general advantages of a company bike particularly attractive. If you’re thinking about benefiting from the service bike model, consider these facts:

  1. 0 risk insurance
    Although, strictly speaking, your dream bike from Bikeleasing is used commercially, you are entitled to benefit privately from all the advantages of our fully comprehensive insurance. Great, right?
  2. Tax & finances
    Bike leasing works without any up-front investment. The low monthly lease payments don’t tie up any business capital that you may need for other purposes. You even save on tax because monthly lease payments and maintenance spend reduce your bottom line.
  3. Sustainable mobility
    You, your business, the environment and society as a while benefit from the positive impact of company bike leasing. It’s sustainable and helps conserve precious resources.
  4. Excellent Bikeleasing-Sevice terms and conditions
    Naturally, you are free to acquire a company car in addition to a maximum of two company bikes for your business, providing you with the perfect mobility mix if you need to travel long distances on business.

Well, are you curious?

Find out right now about our offering for self-employed people and freelancers and how easy it is for you to start cycling on a company bike. We look forward to welcoming you to the Bikeleasing community!

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