City by bike: Germany’s most bike-friendly cities

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For many, the bike is the ideal and flexible vacation companion – but in which cities is cycling really fun? We present our top 3 and we are absolutely sure that your pedaling and heartbeat will accelerate in these cities.

Cycling in Germany

“And what is it like to cycle in your city?” This was the ninth time that the Allgemeine Deutsche Fahrradclub (ADFC) (or: German Cyclists’ Federation) asked more than 230,000 participants in the Bicycle Climate Test survey in 2020. Many cities have caught up, but Bremen remains the frontrunner among Germany’s most bike-friendly cities. Nevertheless: In many other German cities, the situation for cyclists still poses major safety hazards and calls for improvement. This is also reflected in result of the survey, with a rather average rating of 3.9.

Until Germany deserves the title of “bicycle country” across the board, we would like to present the three cities that every cyclist is bound to enjoy.

    This city has been ranked the #1 most bike-friendly city for years, and rightly so: Bremen measures a full 821 kilometers of bike lanes! In addition, you will find numerous specially marked areas here, such as the Humboldtstraße, which are bike-only streets. Cyclists also have a firm grip on their handlebars in Blockland, where cars are only allowed on the road with a special permit.
    If your bike ever breaks down in Bremen, you will find numerous bike repair stations to help you get your bike back on track. The city currently combines all this helpful information in the Bike Citizens app, showing you the best bike route to your destination.
    The future for cycling in Bremen promises to get even brighter: Bremen’s Alte Neustadt is set to become a model bicycle district by 2025, with smooth tarmac instead of cobblestones. Conclusion: Bremen is definitely worth a trip!
    If you arrive in Göttingen by train and have your bike with you, be sure to take advantage of the facilities offered by this bike-friendly university city right at the station: A bicycle parking garage, offering a dry and safe place to park your beloved bike, makes a stroll through the city all the more convenient.
    Going anywhere without your bike is out of the question for you? No problem, because at the Tourist Information office, you can book the “Experience Göttingen – city tour by bike” and discover Göttingen by bike.
    When you’re done exploring quaint old Göttingen, further options await. Since 2005, two long-distance cycle paths run through Göttingen: the Leine Cycle Path and the Leine-Heide Cycle Path, the latter leading to the seaport city of Hamburg.
    There are twice as many bicycles in Münster as inhabitants, and the bike station at the main train station is the largest of its kind in Germany. Clearly, cycling is a major part of the way of life here. The bike station offers everything for your pedal-powered two-wheeler: 3,500 parking spaces, workshop service and a bike wash facility.
    When your bike is fit and ready for the road, a ride on the famous Promenade beckons. This special place in the beautiful student city is Europe’s only bicycle ring road. It leads once around the city center, granting convenient access to all of the major sites of the old town. If the Promenade is not enough for you, you might find what you are looking for on the outskirts of Münster and in the surrounding countryside: 4,500 km of signposted bike paths invite you to take tours through the beautiful Münsterland region.


Get on the saddle and kick those pedals!

You have a bike in the garage but it has seen better days – or the thought of long-distance trips make you break out in a sweat? This is the time for you to find out about our bike leasing offer for employees, helping you choose the bike of your dreams at your local bike dealership. There, you will find is the right model for yourself – from a comfortable e-bike to a practical cargo bike. And best of all: Bikeleasing-Services enables you to conveniently lease it as a company bike through your employer.

The Bikeleasing-Service team wishes you a safe and pleasant ride!


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