Multiple leasing: two company bikes for even more cycling fun
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Ein Dienstrad ist gut, zwei Diensträder sind besser. Siehst Du das auch so? Dann ist Mehrfach-Leasing genau das Richtige für Dich. In unserem Blogbeitrag erfährst Du, wer mehr als ein Dienstrad leasen darf und was man sonst noch zum Thema Mehrfach-Leasing wissen muss.
Leasing multiple company bikes – is that allowed?
Are you already taking advantage of the opportunity to lease a company bike through your employer and considering buying another bike? Then the company bike model could also make sense for the second bike. But is that even allowed? Yes, in principle, you as an employee can also lease several company bikes. Whether this is possible in your specific case depends on what your employer has agreed with the respective company bike provider in the service contract. If you are unsure, it is best to ask the HR department.
Second company bike – can the family use it?
Especially when it comes to bike tours or even a cycling holiday, most people agree that cycling is simply more fun in pairs. So why not simply lease a second company bike for someone else? That's no problem either, provided that there is a corresponding agreement in the transfer contract. This supplement to the employment contract contains the conditions under which the employer allows the employee to use the company bike. It often stipulates, for example, that family members living in the same household are also allowed to use the company bike. Your HR department can also provide you with information in this regard.
Leasing a second bike – not just as a replacement for a car
A lightweight racing bike for your daily commute to work? Or would you prefer a cargo bike so that you can do your shopping without a car? Thanks to the option of leasing several company bikes, you don't necessarily have to choose between two dream bikes, but can lease both of them at a low price. This way, you can switch from car to bike even more often and do something good for nature and yourself.
More than two company bikes – is that possible?
A second bike for you, a city bike for your loved one and an e-cargo bike for the whole family... Whether you can lease more than two bikes through the company bike model depends on your employer. Most companies decide to allow a maximum of two company bikes per person. Does your company have three or more company bikes? Then it makes sense to find out about the tax and insurance-related specifics before you decide to accept this offer.
Even with multiple leasing: simply lease the right accessories too
You can of course also simply lease the right bike accessories with a second company bike. Child seats for cargo bikes, smartphone holders for trekking bikes or simply an extra-chic bicycle bell – anything that is permanently attached to the company bike can be included in the lease. You want to know more: our interactive accessories graphic shows you what is possible with accessories leasing. Important: you have to lease the accessories at the same time as the company bike, as additional parts cannot be added to the contract at a later date.
Good to know about multiple leasing
Leasing a second company bike with the Bikeleasing-Service is just as easy as leasing your first company bike – or even easier, because you already have your personal Bikeleasing user ID, which your bike dealer needs for the leasing request. And it will always remain the same, regardless of how many company bikes you lease over time. The individual leasing contract, on the other hand, is concluded separately for each company bike, and you can also choose the Bikeleasing insurance and service packages individually for each company bike (within the framework of what your employer specifies). The same applies to the decision of where you choose your second company bike: you are free to choose from our numerous Bikeleasing partner dealers or you are welcome to convince your favourite bike dealer to become a Bikeleasing partner dealer if they do not yet offer Bikeleasing.
Whether it's your first, second or even third bike – company bike leasing with the Bikeleasing-Service makes buying a new bike or e-bike particularly attractive. Would you like to find out more about the advantages of a company bike? Then take a look here: Bikeleasing for employees.