Stronger support for specialist retailers through margin boost

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Sales, discounts and falling turnover figures are the buzzwords that describe the current market situation in the specialised bicycle trade. Dealers are under pressure. In order to support our partner dealers even better in this situation and give them a boost, we have adapted our previous 10 million bonus model and added a margin boost.

Our double premium model

From September 1st, we will be paying our partner dealers in Germany and Austria a bonus of 1,000 euros for every new employer with at least five employees. The previous requirement that three leasing contracts must also be concluded via the company will no longer apply. This makes it even easier for bicycle dealers to receive the bonus.

In addition to the €1,000 bonus, there is also the Bikeleasing margin boost of 3%. The dealer receives this for each individual leasing contract (newly concluded from September 1st, 2024) of a company they were able to win for Bikeleasing Service after January 1st, 2022, regardless of whether the individual leasing contract is concluded via the advertising dealer or another partner dealer. The bonus is calculated on the basis of the gross sales price. There is no cap and no lower limit on the bike price.

Specialist dealer hotline and all details in the bike leasing portal

All further details and information on our bonus campaign are available to our partner dealers in the Bikeleasing portal. To extend the service for them, we have set up our own specialist dealer hotline. Our support team is available to answer any questions our bike leasing partner dealers may have by telephone on +49 5571 / 3026 118, Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.

Long-term partnership with added value

More than 6,700 bicycle and e-bike dealers already work with Bikeleasing Service in Germany. Working in partnership with specialist retailers is our top priority. Our goal is clear: profitability and long-term success for the specialised trade, even in difficult times. With our continuous investments and the targeted promotion of specialist retailers, we want to show that we not only recognise the current challenges, but are actively taking action - together we are pedalling forward.


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