Summer trip on your company bike
It’s summertime! During the vacation season, your company bike is the perfect companion. Whether it’s a day trip to the lake, a weekend on the mountain trails or that long-haul tour from the Alps to the sea: Your company bike from Bikeleasing-Service is at the ready for your leisure enjoyment – supported by Bikeleasing-Service with a rich set of services, accessories and the right insurance. Find out more in our Summer Special!
Before your trip: all set for the summer?
Being well-prepared is half the battle, or should we rather say “lease”? This is the time to lease your new bike, complete with accessories to match – and you are all set for an unforgettable summer on your bike! Is there anything missing? If so, be sure to check out our rich offering of accessories for your bike, multiple leasing and the right insurance package covering you for wear and tear and defects. Are you ready?
Compute your savings!

On tour – with excellent insurance coverage
Ready for that perfect vacation experience? You can count on Bikeleasing-Service during your entire trip. Not only minor damages, but also major annoyances such as the theft of your bike, are covered by the right insurance. Our Bikeleasing comfort insurance even includes a mobility guarantee so that you can get home safely in an emergency. Which package is right for you?