Bikeleasing-Service advocates modern and flexible mobility budgets

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Before long, Germany will have a new federal government – and, consequently, a new environmental policy. That’s why this is the time to send our demands to the new coalition. Bikeleasing-Service is clearly against the one-sided promotion of company cars and in favor of a flexible, modern mobility budget.

Climate protection will continue to be pivotal to the political agenda in the coming legislative period. Mitigating the impact of traffic on cities and their infrastructures and sustainably reducing emissions calls for alternative approaches to everyday mobility. This must also be reflected in tax incentives. After all, the current subsidies for company cars run counter to climate protection efforts.

In a joint press release, the Allianz pro Schiene, the Federal Association for the Future of Cycling, the Association of German Transport Companies and the Federal CarSharing Association clearly advocate a rebalancing of tax incentives for mobility concepts and call for genuine freedom in the choice of transport mode.

Outdated: the company car rule

Currently, two out of three new motor vehicles purchased in Germany are registered for commercial use. The mostly high-horsepower, high-emission company cars leave a distinct mark on Germany’s emissions balance sheet. After all, one third of all journeys are work-related. Company cars, most of which stem from the upper vehicle segments, reappear on the used car market after the lease expires. As privately used vehicles, they compete with more environmentally friendly vehicles as well as alternative propulsion systems, hampering progress toward legislated emission reductions for a long time to come. Bikeleasing-Service therefore advocates the extension of the one-sided company car subsidy by realistic, modern and eco-friendly mobility concepts.

Sustainable mobility for all

Companies and their employees should be free to choose which form of mobility they want for their business and private journeys. A flexible mobility budget instead of the outdated company car subsidy will help achieve this freedom. A mobility budget supports multiple options that can be combined to deliver tangible value.

Whether it’s a company bicycle on lease or subscription, a reduced-tax JobTicket for public transport, a BahnCard or a flexible budget for cab rides or various sharing solutions: A well-thought-out, forward-looking subsidy would meet all personal needs, could offer maximum flexibility and would significantly improve the climate balance of the transportation sector.

“Instead of committing to one specific mode of transport, such as a company car, employees are given a budget for various mobility options and are free to choose what they use this for. This form of multimodal mobility is not only efficient and climate-friendly, but also aligns with people’s everyday mobility behavior,” says Knut Ringat, VDV Vice President, describing the forward-looking vision of the new mobility budget.

Switch and make a difference

Within the upcoming legislative period, at least half a million company cars could be permanently replaced by climate-friendly and sustainable means of transportation through a flexibly designed mobility budget.

This is the perfect time to learn about our terms and condition and to switch to one of the most flexible and sustainable means of transportation with the help of Bikeleasing-Service!

Source: Bundesverband Zukunft Fahrrad (BVZF)


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