Amendment to the Road Traffic Act - an important step towards sustainable mobility
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After several months of negotiations, an agreement has been reached. On 14 June 2024, the Bundesrat and Bundestag reached an agreement on a reform of the Road Traffic Act (#StVG). We explain what will change with the amendment.
More room for manoeuvre for cities and municipalities
Thanks to the new regulations, cities and municipalities will be able to implement environmental and health protection measures in road traffic more easily in future. This means that cycle lanes, bus lanes, pedestrian crossings and 30 km/h zones can be realised with less bureaucracy.¹
Focus on climate and environmental protection
This represents significant progress for local authorities and the quality of life of citizens. The new Road Traffic Act places a stronger focus on climate and environmental protection as well as health and urban development. In addition to road safety, the amendment no longer focuses solely on the smoothest possible flow of car traffic, but in particular on more sustainable and safer mobility for everyone involved.²
A paradigm shift in transport planning
This reform thus marks a genuine paradigm shift: instead of the previous focus on car traffic, alternative forms of mobility such as the bicycle are now being promoted more strongly. This opens up new opportunities for future-oriented transport planning that not only fulfils individual mobility needs, but also significantly improves the quality of life in cities.
The background to the StVG amendment
The Road Traffic Act (Straßenverkehrsgesetz: StVG) defines the framework conditions for municipal measures in the traffic sector, such as the establishment of bus lanes and cycle paths, the adjustment of speed limits or the regulation of parking in public spaces. The previous law was heavily focussed on car traffic, which often prevented the introduction of cycle lanes, cycle streets or comprehensive 30 km/h speed limits outside residential areas. The governing coalition agreed to reform the Road Traffic Act in the coalition agreement and submitted a corresponding proposal in autumn 2023. However, this proposal was surprisingly rejected by the Bundesrat in November 2023. After lengthy negotiations, a compromise was reached in June 2024 and the amendment was finally passed by the Bundestag and Bundesrat. This reform will come into force shortly and will enable the Federal Minister of Transport to make changes to the Road Traffic Act in order to implement the new objectives of the StVG.
Our role in Bikeleasing-Service
We at Bikeleasing-Service welcome these developments and look forward to playing an even more active role in shaping environmentally friendly mobility in the future . Our aim is not only to promote cycling through our company bike leasing service, but also to help shape the political framework for a more bicycle-friendly infrastructure. Only in this way can Germany develop into a cycling nation with attractive and safe cycle path networks. We see the amendment to the Road Traffic Act as a step in the right direction towards making the vision of sustainable mobility a reality.
Investing in a sustainable future
Are you as passionate about sustainable mobility as we are? Then a company bike could be just the thing for you. You can find more information on our website.