Protect the environment, save taxes – company bikes and company e-bikes benefit from the 0.25% rule, just like electric company cars.

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Are you keen on riding your company bike in your free time? As with company cars, the private use of a company bike must be taxed as a monetary benefit. The good news is that company bikes and company e-bikes earn the same tax breaks as electric company cars.

Monetary benefit – the 0.25% and 1% rules for the taxation of company cars

The private use of a company car counts as a benefit in kind, constituting a monetary (albeit non-cash) benefit that is subject to taxation. For company cars with combustion engines, the 1 percent rule is applied. This rule implies that one percent of the motor vehicle’s list price is counted as additional income each month, for which both taxes and social security contributions are due. Employees provisioned with electric company cars drive much more favorably: If certain conditions are met with regard to the price and the date of purchase, the 0.25 percent (or “quarter percent”) rule applies. Instead of one percent, only a quarter of a percent of the list price is taken into account as a non-cash benefit each month, providing a real tax advantage.

Tax break for company bikes

Company bikes also benefit from this tax relief. Since 2020, the 0.25 rule also applies to company bikes and e-bikes for private use. The only prerequisite is that the employee took over the bike as a company vehicle for the first time in 2019 or later. By the way: The 0.25% rule also applies to S-pedelecs if they are used as a company vehicle. In addition, however, as with the company car, their use for the commute to the workplace is taxed.

Bike leasing via salary conversion – the affordable way to your dream bike

Savings of more than a third of the purchase price: Leasing a bike through Bikeleasing-Service is significantly cheaper than a cash purchase of the bike. You finance your monthly lease payments from your gross salary by way of partial salary conversion. This way, the actual net charge is much lower than the monthly lease payment, helping you get your dream bike at the dream price. Our lease calculator for employees tells you exactly how much you can save. In addition, your employer can subsidize the company bike or even finance it completely as a perk – in which case you save yourself lease payments out of your gross salary as well as tax on the monetary benefit.

Great for the environment, easy on your wallet

If you ditch your car and travel by bike, you’re helping the environment and doing something to improve your health. Bikeleasing-Service helps you achieve economic benefits in the process:

  • Top-notch bike at a keen price: save up to 40%
  • Easy on your net income: thanks to salary conversion
  • Tax advantage: profit from the 0.25% rule
  • Low-cost mobility: private use included
  • Great insurance coverage: through our insurance packages

Compute your savings and switch to a company bike

Do you want to find out what personal cost advantage you can expect to attain through the Bikeleasing-Service concept? This is the time to compute your personal savings and inform yourself about other advantages of bike leasing. We look forward to welcoming you soon to the Bikeleasing-Service community.

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